Special Education Services
Lakeview Community Schools Special Education Program
Child Find Nebraska
Lakeview Community Schools is dedicated to providing information regarding special education services to all families of children in need, birth through age 21.
Child Find is part of the Nebraska Early Development Network and part of an ongoing, state-wide effort to search and reach unserved children with disabilities, birth to 21.
Our district will assist in the referral process and provide an educational evaluation at no cost to the parent. If the child qualifies for special education services according to Rule 51 in the state of Nebraska, a free and appropriate educational program will be developed to meet his/ her needs. If you have a child or know of a child who may benefit from special education services, please refer to the contact information listed:
Jodi Behlen
Special Education Coordinator
Lakeview Community Schools
(402) 564-8518- district office
Sarah Wacha
Early Childhood Special Education
ESU #7
To make a referral, click on the following link: